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Decoration Design


෴With several professional qualifications, Shenzhen Grandland Decoration Corporation is the construction enterprise approved by the Ministry of Construction of the State that is able to undertake the Grade-I architectural decoration and Grade-A design. After working and accumulating for more than 20 years, the Company has gathered more than 1,500 domestic and foreign design experts and set up its wholly-owned subsidiary, Grandland Design Institute, which is composed of international creative design center, domestic and foreign design experts, senior advisory team, seven comprehensive branches, three professional branches and lighting research center.


🐬In recent years, the Company has maintained close cooperation with several internationally-renowned design agencies such as WATG (America), ABC (America), HASSELL(Australia) and HID (Germany), etc. to take up the projects of five-star hotels and other landmark projects, winning more than 500 international and national design prizes. Meanwhile, in order to play an exemplary role in the industry, the Company cooperates with some research institutes and enters into the agreements with several universities including but not limited to Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Central Academy of Fine Art, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute and Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts for in-depth cooperation. The coverage of its services include hotel space design, commercial complex design, office space design, model villa design and public space design and its supporting professional services include electromechanical design, curtain wall design, intelligent system design, landscaping design, soft decoration design and lighting design, etc.

China's top 500 enterprisesStock code 002482
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